Daybreak Impression

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Winamp Skins from Miscellaneous Series

This is where I stick the only skin from a given series...a second one will get the series/game a page of its own.  Newest skins are on top.

I made these skins.  Please do not take them and archive them elsewhere.  Do not cross-link them.  Email me first.  Thank you.


Girly Little Aibou - Femme!Jason


"Girly Little Aibou" ~ Femme!Jason

Heh...I doubt anyone will care about this one, but I was bored, and so I decided to skin it.

The picture is a piece of art drawn by my friend Jason....This is an anime-style self-portrait, with a twist. See, Jason is a guy...who gets teased about being feminine occasionally. That, plus boredom, spawned this's supposed to be a super-femme version of himself...and the thing is, it's pretty good! ^^;;

The name is from my own weirdness...see, I call Jason 'aibou' sometimes. And, as stated above, I sometimes tease him about being girlier than I am...I've called him my 'girly little aibou' more times than I can remember. ^_^ Hence, the title.

It's as pink as can be, with hearts and pretty script font...'cause you know you really are a girl, aibou! *BG*

(In case anyone's curious, the kanji in the corner says 'aibou'.)

Hidden Buttons:  Open, Shuffle, Repeat

Chains of Destiny - Kudo Gawl


"Chains of Destiny" ~ Kudo Gawl of Generator Gawl

My first Generator Gawl skin.  I really like this series, but it's so underappreciated!  The image is spiffy, as is the blue color scheme.   The name comes from the lyrics of the opening theme, which also happens to be the name of my Gawl site.  It seems that I'm beginning to develop a bad habit of turning image/name combinations from my site layouts into skins. ^^;;

I've been wanting to make some Gawl skins for a while now, since there are almost none out there! (I've found one so far)

Hidden Buttons:  Open

Ryu no Tsubasa - Shirou Kamui


"Ryu no Tsubasa" ~ Shirou Kamui of X

I've actually never seen this series, but I couldn't resist skinning this image.  I rediscovered it a couple of days ago as I was going through my image files.  I think it turned out fairly well. ^^  Besides my fondness for the source image, I rather like the lavender color scheme.  The name is just something that I pulled out of my head.  It probably doesn't make much sense, but I like it. ^^;;

Hidden Buttons:  None

Daybreak Impression - Gene Starwind

"Daybreak Impression" ~ Gene Starwind of Outlaw Star

At one point, I was considering using this image in a layout for my site...but I'm no good at designing layouts, so I decided to make use of it by skinning it, instead.  As you see, I kept the title. ^^;;

Hidden Buttons:  None